Thursday, December 11, 2014

If You Believe It....

Ch. 14

As I was reading pg. 374, I was reminded of the cliche, “Rome wasn't built in a day,” and yet, as the author acknowledges, “Our fear makes us frenzied and impatient,” and “because the test is looming, we simultaneously look back over our shoulders to see if the education critics are closing in.” I could relate to these feelings of insecurity caused by pressure to score well on the tests. While I am not naive to the fact that this year's Common Core ELA test will be more challenging than the 5th grade writing PSSA I was responsible for preparing my students for before, I am a bit glad that the instructional responsibility no longer lies entirely on my shoulders. It also makes me sad to say that. In the past, a vast majority of my students scored proficient on the writing PSSA, but it was a very rare occasion that any 5th grader at our school earned an advanced score. While I respect and feel supported by my principal, I admit that she made her awareness of this statistic known to me on more than one occasion. I suppose that is why I appreciated the seven beliefs that Spandel urges us to cling to. Thank goodness someone believes in us!

I was most drawn to belief #3 with it’s key points supporting choice, time, resources, and real revision. Sometimes I get a bit down on myself about the amount of time a writing project takes, especially with my 4th graders, but they are really learning some important fundamentals, and honestly, it does take time. Currently, we are working on an argumentative piece where they have to use evidence from an article to support their chosen claim of whether cats or dogs make better pets. We have spent a week on the pre-writing planner. I find myself getting impatient. This chapter was just what I needed to read right now. Writing is messy and time-consuming! And, then on top of our hard work, we beat ourselves up about it. I need to stop this mental self-torment.

I also felt re-inspired and validated when I read the recommendation pg. 380 about using the book The Dot to encourage students that they all have a writer inside of them...I have and use this book with my own kids! It is a great little ditty with a powerful theme. I have found that even older kids like it!

This chapter reminded me of this letter sent home to students in the United Kingdom, which I came across over the summer. I loved it because it reminded students that the tests did not define them as unique individuals. As the administrators of this school remind their parents and students, “There are many ways of being smart.” Why aren't we doing this too?!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chapter 14 - Journal - Leonard

Bethany Leonard
Chapter 14

Students learn and succeed in different subject areas and parts of school in various and unique ways.  Creativity can be lost along the way when taking tests that are designed to examine student's achievement on content based knowledge. Also, high stress situations can cause some students to question and rethink answers that they normally would have answered correctly.  Page 374 of  our texts states, "A single assessment cannot tell us whether a student can write or whether a teacher can teach".  In the library, I try to use a variety of assessments and work choices to best accommodate all learning styles.  This is challenging for educators when it comes to the standardized tests that students are required to take every year.  It is frustrating for both the teachers and the students. I like the Roald Dahl example that shows how one student can be judged by one teacher and deemed "an illiterate member of the class" and continue on to be an extremely successful author.

Believing that all students can write is another key to teaching writing successfully.  All students are able to write, if given the proper options, connections, choices, guidance, and sometimes assistance to succeed.   A little encouragement goes a long way, just like one unkind comment can last a life time. Our book also stresses the importance of creating a safe writing atmosphere.  I always try to create a safe encouraging environment for my students so that they think of the library as a fun safe place to learn.

What I think this chapter really comes down to is believing in your students and believing in yourself as a teacher.  We are all on the same team to succeed.  Connect with your students to get to know their strengths and weaknesses as writers and as human beings.  We all became teachers to help our students succeed and provide them with the best education possible.  Don't forget why you became a teacher and get caught up in testing and grading your students.  They may not remember getting an A on their spelling test, but they will remember the activities and comments you left on their papers that spoke to them and created lasting memories.

It was great meeting everyone!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Erin Earle
Recess IS Test Effecient!!

                Test, test, test…this is all school districts seem to care about. They fret about how to improve test scores not about which students may not have had a warm place to sleep or food since they ate last at school. They also don’t seem to really care about why behavior referrals are through the roof at such a young age. It seems that they want test scores to go up but don’t really want to look at the things that are holding test scores down. One of the several issues at hand is the lack of recess or the lack of taking a break from structured academics. Administrators and school officials need to take a page from preschools and allow more free play time. Preschool administrators seem to be reading and adhering to the research that stresses the importance of free play even through the adolescent years and quite frankly, adult years. Who doesn’t benefit from a mental break? Everything is about cramming as much academics in to a school day as possible and at the expense of recess and specials (music, art, physical education, library, technology). Academics is obviously the most important aspect of the school day but is it the most efficient use of time to not allow mental play breaks. I know that when I take small breaks from work, I am much more focused on the tasks at hand.
                Those that specialize in the wellbeing of children outside of the educational realm, aka pediatricians, seem to know and understand the importance of recess. In the article “The Crucial Role of Recess in School” in Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the contributors write of how recess “affords a time to rest, play, imagine, think, move, and socialize.” Recess allows children to develop social skills that are not developed during structured classroom time (Crucial Role of Recess in School, 2013). Studies show that it does not matter where recess is performed, indoors or outdoors, just that it is because this break helps students to be more attentive and productive in the classroom. This is what all educators want, for academic time to be utilized well.
                Research from the Scholastic journal Instructor article, “Recess Makes Kids Smarter” also supports the continued implementation and even an increase in recess. It states that recess benefits students in the classroom by allowing them to be less fidgety and more on task, have improved memory, more focused attention, develop more brain connections, learn negotiation skills, exercise leadership, and are more physically active before and after school. Teachers are in support of all of these things and all of these things add to the overall wellbeing of children. It would stand to reason that when a child is able to make more brain connections, be less fidgety, and have more focused attention that the precious test scores that school administrators are in search of would be more attainable.
                There is concern that with the unstructured time of recess comes behavioral issues and possibility of injury. Coming from an educator standpoint both of these concerns happen at school regardless. It is safe to say that millions of students of the past have survived school-time recess to become adults. School officials should implement and enforce appropriate boundaries for recess time but allow the students and the teachers to reap the benefits of recess. The administrators will get their coveted test scores

Monday, December 1, 2014

Leonard- Chapter 13 Journal

Chapter 13 discussed a very important topic, communicating with students.  I think many teachers tend to forget the impact they can have on a student with only writing or speaking a few words or the lack there of.  Even now, I can't wait to see what a professor thought about a paper I have turned in.  Waiting for an assignment to be returned can be torture, especially if the assignment is returned late. Also, a grade with no comments at all can be equally frustrating.  With that said, I have been guilty of leaving only a few words when I have been rushed to return journals to my students.  I try not to write negative comments, but instead I will write, "come see me".  
Negative comments can stay with students for a long long time.  I can remember my 6th grade teacher being frustrated with me for not understanding how to complete a writing assignment.  Compounded with the fact that I was extremely shy and soft spoken annoyed her even more, because I did not ask for help when I should have.   Previously, she had taught my sister, who was very outgoing and honestly tended to pick things up academically faster in those days. She seemed to be rushed and finally barked out something about how I would never go to college and it didn't matter anyway.  For the rest of my life, I will never forget that experience and it is what I remember the most about that teacher.  While going for my undergrad in education, I used her as an example of what a teacher should not be like. 
The chapter also pointed out that teacher comments, especially when they are very vague, can be misunderstood. Positive comments can actually be taken in a completely negative way.  I think the example on page 354, 13.1, involving what a kindergarten student enjoyed about the school year is excellent.
I love the two minute conference idea as well as the conference topic suggestions.  Conferencing with students about their writing is definitely something I need to do more of in the library.  The two minutes conference will give me a way to do it, but I still think I may struggle.  I will not be able to conference with every student on every writing assignment, as I only see them once a week for about 40 minutes. That does include book checkout time. Peer response groups may also be another way I can go to save time, but I also must model it correctly and define the student roles clearly!

Parent involvement with reading and writing is always a good idea and I like how the chapter encourages parents to read and listen to their children.  A parent writing with their children is probably not as often practiced, but something parents should still do. Teachers can help guide these experiences by sending home good examples and suggestions for writing at home.  Maybe this could even be a topic for open house or parent teacher conference night. 

Ch. 13 Reflection

Ch. 13 Reflection


When conferring with students, Ralph Fletcher might say it best, “We must speak to our students with an honesty tempered by compassion: Our words will literally define the ways they perceive themselves as writers.”

When I read some of the negative comments students recalled being written on their papers, I literally cringed. Talk about pulling the rug out from under someone. I have students who would completely shut down if I wrote any one of those negative comments on their papers. Fortunately, I think those comments were extreme; I don’t personally know any teachers who would make such heartless remarks on a student’s piece of writing. Whew!

I believe a lot of effort has gone into training teachers to choose their words carefully, using phrases such as, “It’s ultimately your choice how you revise because this is your piece of writing, but what do you think about some of these revision ideas?” We all know that, so many times, the cliche of It’s not what you say, but how you say it holds true. Writing is very personal for our students. On page 352, I found it interesting to read the internal dialogue responses of students to specific teacher comments. On page 353, the comment, “Good feedback causes thinking” was powerful for me. 

To me, this means we don’t just tell students HOW to revise, we point them in the right direction, model some strategies, give them options to think about and choose. This technique, is more aligned, I believe with teaching students how to help themselves even when we are not with them. The ‘showing vs. telling’ way of writing also holds true for teaching writing.


In 4th and 5th grade, I find that my students often need some specific ideas about how to improve, “va-goo” (vague) comments aren't enough to stimulate growth. One of the most powerful revision tools I have come across, is asking a student permission to take a look at their hard work in front of the class. Most of my students love being in this spotlight. I can scan and import the writing onto the Promethean Board. As a class, we can develop a collective consciousness about how to respectfully praise and revise work. We can pool our thoughts together in a whole class discussion of a single student’s work. If we identify an area where we would like the student to “stretch it out” and add more detail, or maybe change the wording to assist with fluency or reorganization, the students can simultaneously attempt the same type of revision within their own piece of writing, right then and there….mini-lessons in action. 

I have to admit, I try to use this teaching technique more than one-on-one conferences because I feel that this models and reaches more of my students, also keeping more of them on task. However, I think the “two-minute” writing conference topics on pg. 356 could be very helpful in alleviating my own anxiety about establishing a meaningful purpose. Perhaps the students could be given a similar list ahead of time, choose their own purpose, and come to the conference ready to share their progress or ask questions about their self-selected topic. On pg. 368, Spandel again shows her advocacy of teaching the traits “through revision and editing practice - not through teacher correction that has no true impact on students’ skills.”


I like the idea that you can choose to focus on and grade only one or traits at a time. This reminds me of the freedom I felt when I first learned about Focus Correction Areas with Collins Writing.


I would like to improve with my own parent involvement with student writing. Once in awhile, I will ask students to take home their rough draft, my model, and the rubric to self-assess with a parent as their homework. I don’t think I do this often enough though. I would like to send home a letter to parents that contains some of the suggestions on pgs. 368-369 along with a summary of the writing traits.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Argument Writing Assignment - Leonard - Not a final copy!

Bethany Leonard

Argument Writing Assignment

ECUC 452 Teaching Writing

Not a final copy!

Social Media and Social Networking in Education?

                Using social media and social networking in education has been up for debate with many educators over the past few years.  To clarify, I am referring to the tools and online communities used to share information.  Some examples of social media, according to Shantel (2012) are blogs, social networks as in Facebook or Myspace, microblogging like twitter, wikis, YouTube, discussion forums, and photo sharing communities like Flickr. The world of education is continuously changing to include the use of technology and web 2.0 tools.  Salgur (2013) states that, “Social Networking services has become an important part of teenagers’ daily lives” (pg. 35).  Our students will be using social media and social networking tools even if we do not teach with them.  According to Ramig (2009) there are even social networking sites created for students as young as 5 years old.

There are both negative risks and positive benefits when it comes to using social media and or social networking in education.  Should social media and social networking be used in education or are there to many risks involved? Do students need be taught how to safely utilize social media?  Shantel stresses that, “Educators in in the twenty-first century are charged with the responsibility to teach students to read, write, and function responsibly in a digital world” (pg. 54). Will we be doing our students a disservice as educators, if we do not teach them how to use social media and social networking tools in education?

The Risks

                Michelle (2014) supplies a good example of a survey showing that many teachers are afraid to use social media in their classrooms.  In this survey, 1,005 teachers in grades K-12 were asked if they used social-networking in their classrooms.  An overwhelming 80% of the teachers that were surveyed expressed fears of possible negative consequences from using social media tools in their classrooms. Only 18 percent of the teachers surveyed claimed to use social media tools in their classrooms.  Is it possible that the educators from this survey need more education on how to properly use social networking and media in their classroom or are their fears of the consequences substantial even with the proper precautions?

                There is the fear that teenagers will share too much of their personal information on the Internet or inappropriate information that may even get them into criminal trouble (Salgor, 2013).  Salgor (2013) also mentions that social networking may also cause cyber bullying in schools.  Cyber bullying also occurs through home use of social media and social networking.  Riman (2013) suggest the following negative “claims” about using social media in education.  One of the claims includes students spending more time communicating socially online and losing their ability to communicate in person.  She claims that pronunciation and grammar skills have declined.  She suggests that student’s ability to remember pertinent information has decreased.  Finally, Riman insists that instead of studying, students are checking their Facebooks or Twitter accounts.  Many of these negative claims, as an educator, I do not agree with and feel they are more like fears.  There is also no research given to support the “claims”.  
The Benefits

                Social media and social networking can offer a variety of educational benefits according to Salgur (2013) including, encouraging students to work together and collaborate with other students in ways they were not able to in the past.  Students are able to share projects through technology and improve their technology skills as they do so.  Riman (2013) suggests that students learn important skills including resume building, creating personal websites, and online portfolios they will need if they someday work in the business world. Shantel (2012) explains that students are able to listen, watch, evaluate, reflect, collaborate, connect with other learners, plan, and find their voice when using social media sites.

                Learning continues even when the school day is over with social networking and using media sites (Ramig, 2009).  Depietro (2013) explains that social media will allow shyer students, who tend to be nervous about participating in class, a platform to get involved.  Social media and social networks provide a new low stress platform for all students to participate.  In some cases, learners may even respond and communicate with each other more frequently. 


                “It is not feasible and quite naïve to suggest that students should be set free on the Internet and told to learn” (Shantel, 2012. Pg. 56).  Ramig (2009) makes many valid points about staying safe and being responsible when using social media and networks in a school setting. 

·         Limit network access so that only the students and select individuals may view and post to it for privacy.

·          Monitor the social network on a regular schedule.

·         Remove inappropriate posts, but also discuss them with the class.

·         Also, share appropriate post examples with the class.

·         Give specific directions about what you are expecting from students when utilizing social media or networking sites.

·         In some situations, allow parents access to the social networks and encourage them to read the posts.

There are definitely some risks with using social media and social networks in education, but with the proper education and precautions, many of the risks can be avoided and addressed when they do arise.   There are far too many educational benefits to avoid using social media and social networks in education.


Depietro, P. (2013). Transforming Education With New Media. New York:  Peter Lang Publishing.

Michelle, R. D. (2014) Teachers found to avoid social media in classroom. Education Week, 33(18),

                4. Retrieved from

Ramig, R. (2009). Social media in the classroom-for kindergarteners (!) through high schoolers.

                MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, 16(6), 8-10.


                Euromentor Journal, 4(3), 35-46.

                Retrieved from

Shantel, M. S. (2012). Go ahead…be social: Using social media to enhance the twenty-first century

                Classroom.  Distance Learning, 9(2), 54-59.

                Retrieved from


(I still have two more citations to add!)





Chapter 14

Chapter 14
                The take-away from this chapter…there are 7.

1.        Believe in the voices that once led us. We learn to write by writing. This is something that I have embraced this year with a free write journal.  The students can write about ANYTHING but I do have a topic available if they feel they need a starter.

2.       Believe that the human spirit is too elusive, to vast, and too diverse to be defined bt a single assessment. This is something that I believe wholeheartedly, even outside the realm of writing. Why don’t the powers that be understand this?

3.       Believe that we can and must create assessment to match our vision of good writing instruction. This is a constant area of struggle for me. I am always looking to improve in this area.

4.       Believe that students can write. I am believing this more and more as I am figuring out how to teach my students. I also see this through the writings of my 7 year old in first grade and even 5 year old in preschool.

5.       Believe that writing isn’t just a skill for school, but a skill for life. This is very true and I know that as a 34 year high school graduate, college graduate twice, a former counselor, and a current adolescent Language Arts teacher. To have students of positive school experiences understand this is a challenge, much less students that have nothing but negative school experiences.

6.       Believe that voice is power. This is exactly what I hope to teach my students through their journals.

7.       Believe that you can teach. This is a constant work in progress for me. This is one of the reasons that I enrolled in a teaching writing class. It has truly helped!

Chapter 13 Reflection

Chapter 13
                The conference is something that I myself, as a teacher, find overwhelming about teaching writing to my students. I have read my students’ paper and I am overwhelmed by them. I am even more overwhelmed by their struggle to write. I am so ridiculously careful not to be harsh that I often times don’t say anything at all. This is not the way a good or decent teacher should teach writing and I would like to think that I fall into one of those categories. I have long understood that my students struggle with the school and learning environment, often times hating it and even being court ordered to attend. They have not had positive or successful experiences in the classroom and I don’t want to add to those negative learning experiences. The behavioral challenges are enough as it is. This does however bring up another challenge even “regular” teachers encounter…what do you do with the other students as you conference with one? I am open to suggestions.

                I like the idea of the Collin’s writing program where only one to a few things are focused on. This truly reduces teacher and student anxiety. I also found the idea of a 2 minute conference to be less daunting. This, too, would reduce teacher and student anxiety. I think it could also be used to build a positive rapport between students and teacher. Through this process you could be honest, specific and help guide the student in how to fix what ails their writing without being harsh or negative or further damaging to their school experiences.

Chapter 10 Reflection

Chapter 10
                I really enjoyed reading the different approaches teachers took to teach their students the 6 traits of writing. They came from such diverse experiences is years and populations taught. This is something that I sometimes struggle to “fit in” with since I teach alternative education students from grade 7 to 12. These students are often in the same class and have very differently ability levels. This is part of the challenge of my job but it is one that I graciously embrace. I will take struggling to write and read over struggling to read any day but they often go hand in hand, but I digress.

                I took this class to meet Act 48 credit needs but wanted to take something meaningful, not just something to fill in the credit need. Writing has been one of my favorite activities since grade school. I know that also came from having teachers that taught the process with enthusiasm and encouragement. I want to be that teacher for these students that hate everything about school, especially the reading and writing. This chapter instills that this is possible at any level of teaching and level of student. I am not a very seasoned teacher having only taught 4 years and had a non-traditional way of coming into teaching Language Arts. While I value the life experiences that I bring to my classroom, I am sometimes left second guessing my how I am teaching my students certain areas. I didn't necessarily take specific techniques away from this chapter but it left me with confidence to teach my students writing the way that I feel they learn best.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ch. 10 Reflection

Spandel Ch. 10 Reflection

On the first page of this chapter, it was encouraging for me to read that letter writing was supported by the author. At our elementary school, we have a bucket filling program, which focuses on teaching kids how to how to “fill the bucket” of others by encouraging positive comments and deeds towards one another. To assist in this goal, my students and I write a friendly letter to a different student each week. These letters are assembled in a three-prong folder, as a keepsake, and given to the student at the start of the following week.
Students are given a checklist of requirements to include in their writing. They are asked to share three compliments that are deeper than physical appearance, ask three questions, share three personal revelations that the reader likely did not already know about the writer, and suggest a book including why the recipient should read it. Just as Spandel acknowledges,”Kids love to write letters that get answered. It’s like magic. Suddenly, there’s a reason for the writing.”  
It’s true. My kids love doing this so much they want to know who the next letter recipient will be before the next week even starts. In fourth grade, I find this repetitive practice also reinforces important writing conventions that can fall by the wayside if not practiced consistently, such as indenting paragraphs, capitalizing “I” and the first words in sentences, using appropriate end punctuation, formatting greeting and closings correctly, use of transition words, etc. Also, letter writing seems like a natural genre for encouraging students to let their unique voices shine.
As I continued reading, I identified two areas where I would like to improve my instruction. Over the summer, I want to plan writing instruction that focuses on each of the traits. I really like how Elaine also used pre-assessments not only to tailor her instruction but also as a way of showing growth by year’s end. I was also fond of the idea of having the class score and discuss an anonymous paper. What a fun to learn the traits!
The writing coach checklist on pg. 252 also seemed like a powerful self-assessment tool. I think the way the questions are written for each trait allows the writer to become more independent and take more personal ownership for improving their craft. Searching for answers to our own questions reminded me of website I like to use when I am stumped on a writing issue with my own students:
I also enjoyed reading the conference dialogue that was shared in this chapter. It is helpful for me to see how other teachers structure their conferences and what types of questions they ask to push their students forward. Breaking students into groups to revise also seems like a powerful way to build good writing habits. Maybe one of my favorite take-aways from this chapter was the idea of “backwards planning” from pg. 255. While I am not sure this would work at the start of the year in 4th grade, I think it is something I would like to try in the 3rd marking period. I like to think about how this method could foster choice, autonomy, and personal responsibility.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Argumentative Writing: The Space Debate

Brandy Walker
EDUC 452 Teaching Writing
Argumentative Writing
The Space Debate

Each year our government spends billions of dollars on space exploration. One of the familiar complaints that NASA receives when its budget comes up for approval is “Why waste the money on space when we can use it down here on Earth?”  (Jessa, 2009).  Leaving aside the fact that NASA's employees all live here on Earth, and thus the money is spent here, NASA's fifty years of research and development have resulted in a wide range of inventions and processes, ranging from complex advances in medicine for treatments of brain cancer through the simplicity of fire-resistant kid's pajamas (Jessa, 2009).

NASA credits many modern innovations, in whole or in part, to research conducted in space. Some of these innovations include the artificial heart, Jaws of Life, improved insulation, and many vehicle safety features (Jessa, 2009). Space endeavors have also been credited with other indirect benefits to human life including the microchip, the modern computer, fuel cells, the development of cleaner cars, and increased knowledge of the human body and the aging process through research conducted zero gravity space environments (International Debate Education Association, 2011). Despite these glowing accomplishments, even the legendary space advocate Carl Sagan once stated, “You don’t need to go to Mars to cure cancer (Cowling, 2008). In other words, there may be more cost effective ways to achieve NASA’s technological space spin-offs without having to leave Earth.

While reading the article,“Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? A Freakonomics Quorum”, I was surprised to learn that while space programs in the United States may cost $7 billion a year, that amount actually translates into pennies per person per day (Cowling, 2008). Furthermore, this amount is put into an even clearer perspective upon learning that in the past, America has spent $10 billion dollars a month on the war in Iraq and up to $154 billion a year on alcohol (Cowling, 2008).

Yes, it is true. Billions of tax dollars are spent on space projects, but it is also true that a large proportion of the money spent results in high paying, high tech positions. In turn, this money also often extends outward, indirectly supporting private corporations, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, that are contracted out to perform specialized jobs for NASA (Jessa, 2008).

Another strong point to consider in analyzing this argument is that there are some current space endeavors, separate from spin-off technologies, that continue to improve the quality of our lives on a daily basis. These particular advances could arguably not be achieved without a financial investment in space. For instance, certain space satellites allow us communicate instantaneously around the world via cell phones, Internet, and televised broadcasts. The Global Positioning System (GPS) allows us to carefully determine locations anywhere in the world. Weather satellites that are in orbit around our planet not only assist in routine forecasts, but they also help to save lives with advanced warnings of serious weather events and possible asteroid impacts. As we saw in the news in 2013, asteroid impacts with Earth could pose a significant threat to human life. Further, research into climate change would be significantly less advanced without data obtained from satellites (International Debate Education Association, 2011). Such statements give support to my belief that the United States government should support continued research in space.

However, let’s continue to look at both sides of the coin by returning to the counterclaim. As Manali Oak states in his article Pros and Cons of Space Exploration, “When many people cannot even meet their basic needs in life, is it right to spend money on space exploration?” It’s a fair question. Should we continue to risk human lives in space and devote large sums of money to research when such a large percentage of our world population is living in poverty? Oak (2008) also warns, “We may also find something in space that is lethal to life on Earth. Space exploration may invite some dangerous microorganism that may exist in space.”

Yet, as The International Debate Education Association (2011) claims, “China and India, nations with far greater social welfare issues to address with their limited budgets, are speeding up their space exploration programs.” This is important because it serves as an alternative reference point.  It also reinforces the argument that value of space exploration cannot be gauged by money alone.

While there may be unknown risks associated with space exploration, and there are certainly numerous unfortunate and tragic scenarios on our home planet, it is also worth asking the question: Can we really afford NOT to explore space? Undoubtedly, there are some serious future challenges that stand in the way of humankind if we are to continue our current way of life on Earth. With the threat of human overpopulation, climate change, and the depletion of natural resources, space exploration offers the potential for finding solutions to perhaps even more pressing problems than poverty. Is it too far fetched to wonder if we could mine resources on other planets or asteroids, deflect a collision course asteroid, or even possibly establish a colony beyond our home planet that could extend the viability of our species? Space is one of the final frontiers. If we close the door on space, could we conceivably be closing the door on our own species?


Cowing, Keith. "Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? A Freakonomics Quorum." Freakonomics
RSS., 11 Jan. 2008. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.

International Debate Education Association. "Space Exploration." The Debatabase Book: A
Must-have Guide for Successful Debate. 5th ed. New York: International Debate Education Association, 2011. 195-96. Print.

Jessa, Tega. "Benefits of Space Exploration." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 24 Aug.
2009. Web. 08 Dec. 2013.

Oak, Manali. "Pros and Cons of Space Exploration.", 27 Aug. 2008.
Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Leonard-journal, chapter 10

Bethany Leonard

Journal – Chapter 10

                Chapter 10 did a nice job of showing how a variety of teachers on all different skill levels can use the six traits to best fit their classroom grade level and setting.  As I read, I found a number of strategies/activities that I could incorporate into the library media center setting.  In one of the very first teaching settings, in the book, I enjoyed reading about how the teacher wrote on the board and had the students look for mistakes.  This is something that is very easy and simple to do.  It is almost a role reversal that can be quite fun for the students as well as the teacher.  In the library, I would already have a paragraph or sentences on the white board waiting for as soon as students walked in.  This will save time and can be treated like an opener as well as a wrap up.   In the same section, parents were being involved and used the six trait scoring guide. 

                Ellen’s perspective from page 256, involves viewing students as writers first.  To me, this gives the writers or students a sense of ownership. Ellen also concentrates on reading aloud to her students and sharing many different pieces of writing for examples. This reminded me the mentor texts we talked about in class. On page 259, Barbara discussed how students can learn by working with their peers and getting suggestions and compliments can really motivate some students to become more involved.

                In one of the last sections, Sammie on page 265, discusses being on a rotation where the teacher doesn’t get to see the students every day. Her lessons on the six traits need fit into whatever time that is available.  This is a lot like my education setting in the library, where I only see students once a week. Sammie likes to create books with her students, as do I.  My 2nd grade classes each get to make a nonfiction class book based on an area in nonfiction that they are working on in class.  

                By the end of this chapter, you get a feeling that almost all teachers, no matter what their subject or grade level, can make use of the six traits in their own unique way.

It looks different in every classroom

Vicki Spandel (2009) makes the point that different teachers incorporate the six-trait model into their instruction in different ways.  I agree that it's important to remember that there are different ways of dealing with the traits and teaching them to students.  In chapter 10, she describes how the Six Traits look in a variety of classrooms.  These are my big "Take-aways" from this chapter.

1. Is there a reason for the writing?  By using letter writing with her students, Elaine taught her students that there was a purpose for writing, because they mailed the letters and got answers! 

2. Invite parents into the process.  I have never tried this, and I guess I'd have to think about how I would do it.  However, when some of my children were in school, I was sometimes asked by a teacher to share a funny story about my child, or to describe what I thought their interests were or how I believed my child learned best.  I think that's a good way to show kids that writing is real.  In these cases, the writing was either shared or posted in some way. I wonder if sometimes children are reluctant to write things that are for their teachers' eyes only.

3.  You're already doing it.  I like Billie's answer to teachers who are reluctant to incorporating the use of traits in his or her classroom.  "You are already using the traits -- you just don't realize it."  Teachers of my generation weren't taught how to teach, we were taught what to teach.  However, most of us when we began teaching thought back to the teachers that we had and tried to be like them.  When innovative strategies come along, we often think at first, "Oh, what's this now?! Another new thing?!"  However, if we look at it with an open mind, we'll often find a lot of familiar territory.  On the other hand, although I have been teaching 27 years -- I don't know everything!  There are still new strategies to consider using.  There is a little saying they used to use with kids, and though it is corny, I believe it's true:  "Good, better, best -- never let it rest. Until good is better and better is best!"

4. Show me the funny!  I agree with Billie that humor is important.  Kids love to laugh, and I think sometimes we're too serious.  Can we make an important point and also let them laugh about what we're learning? Recently I've been trying to incorporate more academic vocabulary in my lessons.  We were looking at the word explicit (stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt).  We critiqued Grant Wood's painting Parson Weems Fable and discussed what was stated explicitly and what was stated implicitly (implied though not plainly expressed).  In this case, we don't know for sure that George cut down the tree, but we can infer that.  We know for certain that for some reason, the artist has given a grown up face to a young boy.  What possible reason can he have done that?  We know that the trees appear almost perfectly round, but we don't know why.  We know that the curtain is ringed with cherries, and this motif is used throughout the painting.  The cherries even hang in perfect little rows like fringe around the perfectly round trees.  Is there something about this scene that is a little too perfect?  How about the slaves picking cherries in the background?  "George Washington didn't have slaves!" protested one student.  "He most certainly did," I replied.  What might the artist be "saying" about that?  It brings up a great discussion about what is presented explicitly or implicitly in a work of art.

Now here's the joke. Soon afterward, I complained to a student, "Hey, you told me that your ceramics project broke and I told you to plug in the hot glue gun.  I assumed you would infer that you should glue it together!"  One student quickly replied, "Well, Dr. Wales, I guess you were not explicit enough!"  For the rest of the day I read this sentence on their vocab cards, "The art teacher was not explicit enough."  I am glad they understood the new word well enough to use it to throw me under the bus!  My point is, it doesn't hurt my feelings if they want to have some fun with the new word at my expense, as long as they have learned to use it correctly!

5. The fine art of writing.  Sue's Elementary Art-Based classroom got me thinking.  I like how she pairs each trait with a particular visual artist.  I believe that visual art is in many ways parallel to the writing process.  When we can show students how an artist's approach is similar to a writer's, I believe we'll help them understand both tasks better.  For example, using the painting above, I talk to students about the Principle of Emphasis in art.  Every work of art has a focal point, or center of interest.  We sometimes call it the main object.  What do you think is the focal point in Parson Weem's Fable.  I choose this painting because it is so unbelievably obvious!  Almost everyone immediately points to the axe in young George's hand.  For heaven's sake, there are three sets of fingers pointing right at it.  The corner of the building comes down, with the diagonals on either side acting as an "arrow" pointing right at it.  I point out to my students that just as a paragraph has one main idea, and the other sentences in that paragraph are there to support the main idea -- a work of art has a focal point, and the other accessories in the painting are there to emphasize that and draw attention to it, not to compete with it. 

There were many other good ideas in the chapter, but these are the suggestions that stood out the most to me.  My classroom, like yours, is a "work in progress".  It's a pretty good "work of art" -- but I'm not done refining it. 

Reading: Pathways to New Worlds

I drove down the road in a large, ugly brown station wagon.   I had just bought it for $600.  I came to a stop at the traffic light, with my left foot firmly on the brakes and my right foot slightly gunning the accelerator.  I knew you’re not supposed to do this, but in this case if you didn’t, the car would inevitably stall.  As the car idled, I spotted a rummage sale sign out of the corner of my eye.  Those were the early days, when money was tight, but I could sometimes find a treat for one of my three small children at a yard sale.

                I got out of the car and headed to the tables set up in the yard.  They were filled with crap, of course, that the owners somehow suspected had some worth.  I glanced at a box of toys – nothing there.  I was about to head back to the car when I saw a cardboard box labeled Paperbacks, 25 cents/ Hardcovers 50 cents.  “Ah, I thought – books.”  A box of books might hold some treasures.  I pawed  through the box, finding nothing of interest until I saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks – Dan Frontier Among the Indians. 

                Suddenly I was transported back to the library as a third grader.   We had already listened to the librarian read a chapter from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory and we had been instructed to pick out a book to read. Of course, we might use the card catalog organized according to the Dewey Decimal system as she had told us to do, time and time again, but I have never been one to do that.  I might refer to the posters on the edges of the bookshelves, with cartoons or icons that give clues to the contents of that section, but mostly I prefer to browse. Hey, I don’t always know what I’m looking for until I see it!  I ambled around the room looking at books.  I looked down at some books, but noticed that I had stumbled into the Easy Reader section.  I was about to move on when I noticed the Dan Frontier books.  I remembered them fondly, but something was strange here.  I took a closer look. tracks.

I had read them all, or so I thought.  I had enjoyed them reading six of them – but here was the complete set of eleven books! How could there be eleven? They looked very attractive all together. Each one had an exciting painting on the cover of one of the exploits of Dan Frontier the brave pioneer, with the title in bold, western style letters. They came in different colors, so they looked the same, as if they all looked like they belong together, but also different. I had read the first book, Dan Frontier.  Wow, that had been easy. I had also read its sequel, Dan Frontier Goes Hunting. I looked back over the books and recalled the adventures I had taken with the frontiersman.  I had been amazed when he narrowly escaped an attack by a cougar in Dan Frontier and the Big Cat. 

Now, what about these new books? I had not even been aware that there was a book called Dan Frontier, Trapper. “Must be someone had signed it out each time I looked over here last year”, I thought.  “I’ve really got to learn how to use that card catalog.”  I knew that I only had a few minutes to pick out a book, but here was my chance to fill in the gaps of missing knowledge of the mythic frontiersman, Dan Frontier.”  They were easy readers, so it wouldn’t take long.  I breezed through one book and picked up a second.  “What in the world?!”  I exclaimed inwardly as I read the title of the next book in the series,   Dan Frontier with the Indians. On the cover of this one was Dan Frontier, wearing Indian garb!  An Indian stood by as Dan stood shirtless, poised with bow and arrow.  An Indian chief stood by.  Why was Dan dressed as an Indian? I wondered.  I quickly read the pages to learn that Dan had been out exploring and had inadvertently wandered into the territory of Chief Blackfish.  The Indian braves kidnapped Dan, but over time he won them over with his bravery and skill with fighting and hunting. He won the favor of Chief Blackfish, who decided to make Dan his adopted son.  Well, that sounded fun, but what about his family? What about the other pioneers back at the fort in Kettle Creek?  They were counting on Dan.  

“Chief Blackfish,” you are my friend too,” said Dan.

“Now will you let me go to Kettle Creek?”

“No!” said the Chief.

“You come to my land. You cannot go from my land.”

                “Oh my gosh!”  I thought.  “This is getting good.  If I hurry, I can finish, and then pick out a book to read.”  I eagerly turned the page, looking forward to the exciting conclusion of this epic, albeit easy to read tale. And then, and then, and then….

                “What are you doing over here?” It was the librarian.

                “Reading,” I replied.

                “This is the easy reader section,” she objected.  “What reading level are you?”

                “I don’t know.”

                “Let me see what you have there.”

                I looked down at the book I held in my hand, with my finger marking the place.  I just wanted to finish it.  It probably wouldn’t take two minutes. I reluctantly handed her the book.  “Dan Frontier?” she asked, incredulously.

                “I like the pictures.”  The pictures – oh, the glorious pictures.  The stories were interesting, yes, but let me tell you about the pictures. I could feel Dan’s buckskin breeches as if I were wearing them.  I could feel the warm sun on my face as I stood in the tall grass, hunting with bow and arrow with Chief Blackfish standing by my side.  I had explored  the western frontier all through first and second grade, feeling the rough bark on my hands as we cut down trees to build the fort at Kettle Creek and carved paths through the untamed wilderness.  

                “The pictures?” she sneered.  She glanced again at the cover.  “You’re supposed to be picking out something to read, not looking at pictures! I think you can read harder books than this,” she said, “I’m going to ask your teacher. She stomped away, taking with her the book, leaving me standing there in the easy reader section. By now, we had attracted the attention of other third graders, who looked on as I awaited the verdict for my crime. I perused the titles, looking forlornly at the spines of Dan Frontier titles, all together in a row, with only one gap – the only book in the series I had not read.

                The librarian finally returned with my teacher Mrs. Lindbergh in tow. “What seems to be the problem?” she asked, a little more patiently than the librarian.

                “Don’t you think this book is too easy for him?” asked the librarian.  “He’s been standing here in the Easy Reader section looking at the pictures!”

My teacher flipped through the pages. “He can probably read a harder book,” she replied.

                Mrs. Lindberg patiently led me over to the fiction shelves. “These are the books for kids your age, she smiled.  She picked one out and handed it to me. “Here’s an author you might like,” she suggested, showing me Henry and the Clubhouse by Beverly Cleary.  I had to admit – it did look interesting. It had great pictures.  Pen and ink drawing showed lanky kids, pouty younger siblings.    It appeared to be stories about kids doing things that kids really do.  I signed it out that day, and stepped into the world at Klickitat Street in Portland, Oregon.  I came back to that section until I had read all the books by Bevery Cleary – Henry and Beezus, Beezus and Ramona, Ramona the Pest.  But my favorite by far was The Mouse and the Motorcycle.  That one became my favorite book. I was delighted to learn that there was a sequel, Runaway Ralph.  I couldn’t imagine there would be more, but I could not believe my luck when I was at the book fair and saw that Beverly Cleary had completed a trilogy – Ralph S. Mouse.   And in this one he was driving a car!

                From that section I branched out, discovering the abridged editions of Mark Twain.  I played hookey with Tom Sawyer and floated down the Mississippi with Huckleberry Finn. C.S. Lewis led me to step through the wardrobe and into Narnia.  There I helped bring freedom to a magical world with the help of a mystical lion. As the years went on, I swung from the highest branches of the jungles of Africa and did battle on the fields of Mars thanks to Edgar Rice Burroughs.  I joined the quest for the ring with Frodo and Gandalf with J.R.R. Tolkien as my guide. I never stopped reading and loving to read, I never stopped enjoying the discovery of new adventures and new worlds, but I never thought again about Dan Frontier until that day – that day at the rummage sale.  I stood there, flipping through the book, until I got to the page where the librarian had made me stop.  In an act of reader’s rebellion, I stood there as a grown man and found closure. Rebelliously, I read the book, a grown man, finishing the book I had not been allowed to read. As an artist and art teacher, I thought about what had appealed to me in that book. I took in the illustrations with the eyes of an artist and a visual learner, but I also saw them again through they eyes of a nine year old boy. I’m grateful for the teachers who pointed me to new authors and to new worlds, but I had to admit as I read Dan Frontier and the Indians, I thought, “What would have been the harm of giving me a few more minutes to read this?” 

                I bought the book and took it home.  It was not as appealing to my sons. After all, there were no ninja turtles or mutants of any kind.  They were enthralled by different worlds, but I kept the book.  It had a special place on the shelf for me, a place of honor in my home for many years.  I kept it because I was a teacher, and I wondered, were there times when I impatiently told a student what they needed to be doing, and missed out on an opportunity to find out what they most wanted to learn and why.