Monday, November 17, 2014

Leonard-journal, chapter 10

Bethany Leonard

Journal – Chapter 10

                Chapter 10 did a nice job of showing how a variety of teachers on all different skill levels can use the six traits to best fit their classroom grade level and setting.  As I read, I found a number of strategies/activities that I could incorporate into the library media center setting.  In one of the very first teaching settings, in the book, I enjoyed reading about how the teacher wrote on the board and had the students look for mistakes.  This is something that is very easy and simple to do.  It is almost a role reversal that can be quite fun for the students as well as the teacher.  In the library, I would already have a paragraph or sentences on the white board waiting for as soon as students walked in.  This will save time and can be treated like an opener as well as a wrap up.   In the same section, parents were being involved and used the six trait scoring guide. 

                Ellen’s perspective from page 256, involves viewing students as writers first.  To me, this gives the writers or students a sense of ownership. Ellen also concentrates on reading aloud to her students and sharing many different pieces of writing for examples. This reminded me the mentor texts we talked about in class. On page 259, Barbara discussed how students can learn by working with their peers and getting suggestions and compliments can really motivate some students to become more involved.

                In one of the last sections, Sammie on page 265, discusses being on a rotation where the teacher doesn’t get to see the students every day. Her lessons on the six traits need fit into whatever time that is available.  This is a lot like my education setting in the library, where I only see students once a week. Sammie likes to create books with her students, as do I.  My 2nd grade classes each get to make a nonfiction class book based on an area in nonfiction that they are working on in class.  

                By the end of this chapter, you get a feeling that almost all teachers, no matter what their subject or grade level, can make use of the six traits in their own unique way.


  1. Good points! I think we have all remarked that students like to point out mistakes in the work of an anonymous student. They are probably more critical that they would be with their own work or a classmate they know. According to Marzano, "Error Analysis is an important aspect of what is often called critical thinking. By using this process, students evaluate the reasonableness of knowledge. From one perspective, error analysis can be compared to logical thinking, the judging of arguments, and identification of fallacies in reasoning." It is training for how to spot what's wrong -- and hopefully we equip them to notice the same errors in their own work and correct it.

    Marzano, R. J. (2000). Designing a new taxonomy of educational objectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

  2. Bethany, I also liked the idea of sharing a six-traits guide with parents! While we know not all parents are equally involved in their child's education, I think we are usually pretty fortunate to have parent support here in the Northern Tier.

    I also agree that error analysis is a powerful instructional tool. Thanks, Andy, for pointing out that this strategy requires critical thinking. A few times a week, I use Daily Language Review as our English warm-up or activating strategy. Students are asked to find errors in conventions, organization, and fluency. Your comments help to make me feel that my choice to include this as part of my instruction is warranted and justified.
